
The project counts, besides a Research Team Group from the University of Brasilia, partners from the public administration such as the Planning Company of the Federal District (CODEPLAN), the Federal District Secretariat of Urban Development and Housing (SEDUH) as well as the Federal District Secretariat of the Environment (SEMA). It also involves CEDEP and APP as local NGOs to capitalise on citizens’ knowledge and work together to achieve NBSouth’s objectives.

Prof. Maria do Carmo de Lima Bezerra

Maria is an Architect and Urban Planner. Professor at the University of Brasilia (UnB) since 1994., she holds her PhD from FAUUSP (Sao Paulo) in 1996, Postdoctoral researcher in AAP (Cornell University, USA) in 2009, and ETSAM (Polytechnic of Madrid) in 2019. She is currently Coordinator of the research line “Territory, Landscape and Urban Policies” of the Post-graduate programme in Architecture and Urbanism at UnB, and researcher Productivity of CNPQ PQ-2. She has participated in different public functions at the Ministry of the Environment, as Coordinator of the Brazilian Agenda 21, the Ecological Economic Zoning-ZEE and at the GDF as Secretary of State for the Environment. She worked for International Development Agencies on urban policy and environmental issues, such as IDB and the World Bank. She is an advisor for Conplan – DF, Urban Planning Council of the Federal District. 

Prof. Orlando Vinicius Rangel Nunes

Orlando, Ph.D. in Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Brasilia, with specialization on Urban and Regional Planning, is Professor of Urbanism, Landscaping and Urban and Regional Planning at IESB (UnB). Bachelor in architecture and Urbanism, he holds a M.Sc. in Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, with emphasis on Urban Planning. His research interests are related to the following themes: Urban Policy, Urban History, Urban Infrastructure, ATHIS, Right to the City and Housing. He was a consultant for the elaboration of Architectural Project in ATHIS, Housing Plans, Cadastral Cartography, Urban Perimeter and Citizen Address.  

Mestranda Raquel Oliveira de Albuquerque

Raquel holds a M.Sc. in Architecture and Urbanism from the University Center of Brasília (2020) and a specialization in Sustainable Environmental Architecture and Urban Rehabilitation from the University of Brasília (2021). She is currently a master’s student at PPGFAU (UnB), with specific expertise on Green Infrastructure and Participatory urban planning. 

Nadezda Bobyleva

Nadezda, Ph.D. candidate at PPGFAU (UnB), holds her M.Sc. in Architecture from the Academy of Architecture and Art of Urals in Russia (2009). In 2012 she obtained a M.Sc. in Theory and History of Architecture from the Academy of Architecture and Art of Urals with the research theme “Characteristics and mechanisms of adaptability in contemporary architecture”. She has professional experience at the Institute of Urban Planning, Moscow (Russia), IGSP (Russia). She organized several workshops and lectures in architecture and urban planning. In 2018 he taught Integrated Sanitation at the Addis Ababa University of Technology (Ethiopia). 

Jane Cristina do Carmo Santana

Jane holds a degree in Social Assistance (2011) and a specialization in Management and Public Policy in healthcare (2016). She also has experience managing and evaluating social projects that include financial cooperation between the organization of civil society and the government. She is currently a student in Architecture and Urban Planning at FAU/UnB.

Valquiria Costa Messias

Valquiria is a graduation student in Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Brasília (UnB). She has been monitor of Introduction to Technology in Architecture at the university, and has participated in extension activities related to landscape and bioconstruction. Currently she is part of a project focused on urban infrastructure and intern at the Federal Senate. Her area of interest is mainly the conformation of cities, involving landscape, morphology, infrastructure and urban planning.